Job search websites
Del Valle area jobs on Indeed
Companies in Del Valle, TX | Indeed.com
Texas Workforce Commission site. Has “create a resume” option.
Workforce Solutions Capital Area. Provides career training, apprenticeship programs, scholarships, job search assistance, child care assistance, career services for youth 14-24
Workforce Solutions Capital Area
Workforce Solution Rural Capital Area–jobs & support for those in counties surrounding Travis
Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area
List of major employers in Austin area
Major Employers – Opportunity Austin
Job training organizations
Austin Area Urban League
Austin Community College Continuing Education program
Capital IDEA-college tuition paid for those entering high demand fields
Goodwill Career & Technical Academy
The Goodwill Career & Technical Academy
Skillpoint Alliance
Job training for people 25 years and younger:
American YouthWorks
Education & Workforce — LifeWorks
Google Applied Digital Skills has some videos + use of apps for resume writing. Good to have a Gmail account to use.
Basic Digital Literacy Skills for Adults - Applied Digital Skills
Microsoft Word has resume templates that non-Gmail people can use.
Resume Generator creates a resume that you can save as PDF.
Help with computer skills
Typing practice
Free Typing Tutorial Tutorial at GCFGlobal
For practice using a mouse https://www.digitallearn.org/courses/getting-started-on-a-computer-new
Videos on how to use computer
Local organization that helps people learn how to use a computer
ESL classes in the Del Valle area
Library Job Resources​
List of job search books at Del Valle Libraries and books available to download